ARCHIMEDES (อาร์คิมีดีส)

ARCHIMEDES (อาร์คิมีดีส)

  • Full name: Archimedes
  • Born-Died: c. 287-212 BC
  • Place of born: Syracuse, Sicily, Magna Graecia
  • Place of died: Syracuse
  • Residence: Syracuse, Sicily
  • Main interests: Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Astronomy, Invention
  • Works: Archimedes' Principle, Archimedes' screw, Hydrostatics, Levers, Infinitesimals.

("Please seek some suitable space for my stand with long moderately beam, I will move the world gives testimony to see")

("จงหาที่เหมาะๆ ให้ข้าพเจ้ายืนสักแห่งกับคานที่ยาวพอสมควร ข้าพเจ้าจะย้ายโลกให้ท่านดู")

EUCLID (ยูคลิด)

  • Full name: Euclid
  • Born-Died: c. 330-260 BC
  • Residence: Alexandria, Egypt
  • Main interests: Mathematics
  • Works: Euclidean Geometry, Euclid's Elements

ARISTOTLE (อาริสโตเติล)

*Plato (left) and Aristotle (right), a detail of The school of Athens.

  • Full name: Aristotle
  • Born-Died: c. 384-322 BC
  • Place of born: Stageira, Chalcidice
  • Place of died: Euboea
  • Era: Ancient Philosophy
  • Region: Western Philosophy
  • Main interests: Physics, Metaphysics, Poetry, Theatre, Music, Rhetoric, Politics, Government, Ethics, Biology, Zoology
  • Works: Special teacher of Alexander of Macedon, Theory of Four-Fifth Elements

*The School of Athens, a fresco by Raphael.

PLATO (เพลโต)

  • Full name: Plano
  • Born-Died: c. 427-347 BC
  • Place of born/died: Athens
  • Era: Ancient Philosophy
  • Main interests: Rhetoric, Art, Literature, Epistemology, Justice, Virtue, Politics, Education, Family, Militarism
  • Works: Platonic Realism, Theory of Forms, the Academy